At our Chinese Medicine clinic in Dublin, we offer you guidance through a synergy of natural strategies including acupuncture, nutrition, mindful movement and self-care practices. A holistic approach that is dedicated to encouraging and developing your individual life skills to create a healthy lifestyle and maintain optimum health.

  • Medications such as antibiotics, sleeping tablets, painkillers and anti-anxiety medications have become an hourly prescription. Unfortunately, when medication is readily supplied for dis-ease within the body, it can lead to an over-reliance on the ”quick fix” rather than treating the root of the problem. Particularly teamed with the busyness of modern life, it can be tempting to reach for the easy solution to take away the ache or pain. The problem with this way of treating is we can forget how to look after our body and can neglect the preventative work required for a reoccurring problem. So, the first line of defence comes in the form of a tablet.

    A key philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the unique individualised treatment approach, taking into consideration all aspects of the individual. Here we investigate health history, environmental challenges, lifestyle factors, nutrition and mental emotional wellbeing. A large emphasis of Chinese Medicine is on preventative care and treating the root cause of symptoms before they progress into disease.

    Chinese Medicine encompasses several treatment methods designed to help individuals achieve and maintain health. While acupuncture is the most well known component in TCM, it is only one important piece of a much larger tool box. It incorporates adjunctive techniques such as acupressure and moxibustion; manipulative and massage techniques such as tuina, cupping and gua sha; herbal medicine; diet and lifestyle changes; meditation; and exercise, often in the form of qigong or tai chi. Chinese Medicine offers us lifestyle medicine that can be applied and adapted as we move through the different phases of life.

    At Escapada Health, we believe the gold lies in the synergy of both systems of medicine. Thus, creating an empowered healing system where we can treat a spectrum of symptoms naturally and use Western medicine only when required. 

    Your personalised treatment plan incorporating various natural treatment methods aims to restore and support natural organ functioning. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which produces the body's relaxation response, also known as "rest and digest”. The body's natural self-repair mechanisms are supported to fully function when the nervous system is in relaxation mode.

    “Natural treatments support your physical and mental health & act as your first line of defence in times of imbalance."

    — Maeve & Emilia


    When creating an Integrative Medicine Health Plan, a holistic individualised approach is key. We all have different personalities and we all have different body constitutions. And in turn, we all have ailments that develop in many different ways that require different methods of treatments and solutions.


    Finding what nourishes you and makes you feel healthy, is key to your well being. Through the process of treatments, we aim to teach you to act on small symptoms before they develop into disease. These small signs are your body’s warning sign that something is not right. Using natural treatments to help with these symptoms is preventative medicine at its best.

    Let’s explore this together.


    We will conduct an extensive health consultation that covers all aspects of you.
    We use an array of diagnostics such as pulse and tongue diagnosis to further our knowledge of how your body works. These aspects are vital because everything from the prescription of acupuncture, nutritional advice, movement and lifestyle advice is tailored to your individuals needs. At Escapada, we aim to incorporate these aspects into your daily life in manageable steps. A healthy lifestyle is more achievable than you think.


    Challenge your belief system -we have all grown up with a certain belief system about many aspects of life and what it means to be healthy. How we treat our bodies in times of imbalance is one of them. What does health mean to you? This may seem like a silly question. Within the modern Western world, we often think we are healthy without a diagnosis of disease such as cancer or arthritis. But what about how I feel from day to day? Am I feeling strong and resilient? Am I exhausted all the time? Is my mood erratic? Have I been ignoring that pain in my knee for 6 months now? The way we think about our health is the starting point to how we look after our health.

    But also, challenge your belief system in how you look after these symptoms. Open your mind to alternative natural treatments. There is a world out there to support you.


    There is so much of your health and wellbeing that you can manage yourself.
    The beauty of Chinese medicine is that your lifestyle is your medicine. So once you start learning more about your body, what swings it out of balance and also, what swings it back into balance, you can do so much yourself. We will help you regain control and empower you to use natural treatments as your first line of defence.


    Finding the noble middle-way is an Integrative Approach of medicine, not too much natural medicine and not too much Western medicine. As with all medicines, both approaches have their strengths at what they can treat best. Using a synergy of both approaches will be the balance that you need.

  • There is hardly anything as good for our health as regular exercise. Exercising regularly makes a huge difference in your health.

    Whoever engages in sports reduces stress, delays aging processes, strengthens the body and prevents numerous diseases. The entire organism will benefits from it as movement strengthens muscle tissue, bones and joints, boosts metabolic processes and immunity and improves mental clarity.

    With so many exercise options and workouts being offered these days, one can easily become overwhelmed about what to do. To get moving and break free from a sitting routine is actually quite easy but finding what’s right for your body and mind isn’t. We all have different body constitutions so finding an activity that you enjoy and that nourishes you is key to your health well-being.

    In Chinese Medicine, it is thought that everything in the universe results from the movement and change of Qi. Qi can be interpreted as the "life energy" or "life force," which flows within us. Qi is the vital substance constituting the human body and when it gets stuck for whatever reason. we feel that stagnation as pain or other health issues. All bodily processes are moving processes, so moving mindfully is used to reduce symptoms and support a healthy lifestyle.

    At Escapada, we use mindful movement as a way to check in with your body and what it's asking for in terms of physical activity, rather than forcing it into something you feel like you "should" be doing. Finding the right exercise is key to truly feel refreshed and centred. So, instead of using challenging workouts to disconnect from your mind and shove negative thoughts aside, mindful movement encourages you to be intentional about and aware of every move you make and how they make you feel. By reconnecting with yourself and your breath, you will develop a strong, healthy body and enhance flexibility and resilience.

    “Integrating a mindful exercise routine is an empowering tool for stress management and clarity of mind."

    — Maeve & Emilia


    Whether you’re looking for a way to channel your energy, achieve a calmer state of being, or you’re in the mood for movement and high intensity workout, we can help you explore what your body needs to feel at its best. Establish a workout routine that is achievable and easily integrated into your every-day life.


    Moving mindfully means not forcing your body into something you "should" be doing. Listen to your body - what is it that you need right now? Be intentional and aware of every move you make, and focus on the quality of your movements and how they make you feel. The best exercise plan is one that your enjoy and that optimises your sense of well-being.


    Exercising according to the seasons is a very important cornerstone in TCM as our bodies also go through cyclical changes throughout the year. In the winter we move inwards, practice more calming and nourishing styles while in springtime we move outwards to support our body in cleansing and embracing the new. This is not only about the weather and climate, but rather following the five elements in how to nourish your organs and bring you into balance. Together we will explore how your health can be supported by adapting your workout as the season changes.


    Nature nurtures us so skip the gym. Connecting with nature is paramount to your overall health and well-being as it decreases stress and tension, increases serotonin levels and boosts immunity. We empower you to break open the concept of gym workouts and show you why it is so health beneficial to get outside. That’s why our Health Retreats are always located in the countryside surrounded by lush nature.


    Activation through vigorous exercises activates physical and mental processes and boosts cardiovascular health. This is an important aspect in health. However, at Escapada we put great emphasis on a well balanced combination of activating and regenerating sessions which need to be tailored to your unique constitution. This will be further explored during your health consultation with our expert team.


    Nowadays, regeneration is often mistaken for laziness. It is generating energy through an active rest. Switching our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) is a very important part of modern living, because this is where the body rests and heals, an essential part of health and preventative medicine. If you feel anxious, restless or simply exhausted, use physical and mental relaxation such as stretching, yin yoga and meditation, to release tension and calm the nervous system. Your body will repay you with more energy.


    What we strive for, in our Escapada approach, is to help you find a noble middle way. Pull away from a lifestyle of extremes and challenging workouts. A nice steady approach with small steps that can be built on will give you a timeless, individualised, empowered and self-healing toolbox. We believe that a good balance between Yin (Regeneration) and Yang (Activation) exercises is healthy. We simply want to avoid the extremes so as to avoid overstraining muscles, joints, and the mind.
    After all, it's all about balance.

  • Perhaps more than anything else in our lives, the foods we regularly eat help determine whether or not we will become ill, or remain healthy into older age. We seem to know all about fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, but no matter how advanced our knowledge on food is, there are always studies that introduce something new and diet theories that get debunked. With so many healthy diet theories flying around these days, it can be hard to know what is actually good for our bodies. What do our bodies really need?

    Chinese medicine has a completely different view of food, one that's been established for thousands of years. It has successfully been used as a therapeutic method of disease prevention and treatment around the world. Instead of viewing meals as a breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, Chinese culture reflects an awareness of the healing qualities of food as a kind of folk wisdom. What we regard as complicated is practiced on a daily basis in China, for example, the simple balancing of hot and cold: cold weather is balanced by eating foods that have a warming effect on the body, such as ginger tea, garlic, fennel, oats, lamb, salmon, etc. Hot weather is balanced by eating cooling foods such as raw fruit and vegetables, cucumber, watermelon, salads or, barley.

    This knowledge of the healing qualities of food was practiced and treasured in our own culture until recently, but has gotten lost in the trend toward “fast food.” Similar connections between food and medicine have been made since antiquity.

    Hippocrates recommended “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Hildegard von Bingen, the eleventh-century German visionary naturalist and healer, used foods for healing by devising energetic classifications that are surprisingly similar to Chinese food classifications.

    At Escapada, we simplify healthy eating for you by applying the precious, long-standing principles of Chinese nutritional medicine. We all come with a unique constitution and therefore it is absolutely necessary to take “you” into consideration when deciding what’s healthy and what’s not. Food is pure nourishment for every cell of our body, that can be used to strengthen specific organ functions and treat various signs and symptoms. Our individualised health consultation and plan will explore a dietary plan that is just right for your and your health.

    “A nourishing and balanced diet can support and address yourunique constitution to protect you from disease.

    — Maeve & Emilia


    How do you feel after eating certain foods? Just like we all have different personalities, we also all have different body constitutions and thus different needs. The best diet is one that works for your unique constitution and takes into consideration your signs and symptoms. Listen to your body and eat only foods that make you feel really good. When digestive issues occur,  it signifies that your digestive system is overwhelmed.


    Breakfast revs up the body after a night's sleep, giving us energy and nutrients to face the day. By morning, we are ready to "break the fast" after a stretch of not eating. The blood sugar (glucose) we need to power our muscles and brains is normally low when we wake up, and breakfast helps replenish it. But if we miss the day's first meal, the whole system gets stressed, throwing off the normal circadian rhythm of fasting and feeding. Eat to ignite your digestive system when Stomach and Spleen are most active according to the Chinese medicine organ clock - between 7am - 11am.


    Traditional Chinese medical wisdom around diet concurs with the adage “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” Long fasts and skipping meals is said to weaken the Spleen and lead to deficiencies in the body.  Instead, your should eat at regular intervals as the earth element (Spleen and Stomach) loves a routine. Eating at about the same times every day can help the gastrointestinal tract to perform optimally.


    Eating according to the seasons is very important as our bodies also go through cyclical changes throughout the year.  Pretty simple advice - fill your plate with mainly fresh lightly cooked vegetables, grains and seeds that are in season and you find at your local farm or health food shop. Your body will thank you.


    Taking time to cook and eat with joy is important, so slow down and chew your food fully. Celebrate the food that is giving you life. Mindfulness can help boost your digestion and make you feel better all around. This new awareness can also help you tune in to any food sensitivities or foods that may not be best for your body. Try to avoid eating when you are stressed-out or aggravated as this can negatively impact digestion.


    Too much cold foods can slow down our physiological processes, and create dampness, and put out our digestive fires, so a Chinese diet tends to stay away from things like ice water, smoothies and too many raw salads. Opt for room temperature water, slightly steamed vegetables, and if you are craving those crunchy raw salads, have a cup of nice warm soup or bone broth first in order to aid digestion and improve your sense of well being.


    It is important to listen to your body when it tells you it is “full” or has had enough. Overeating makes it hard for the Spleen and Stomach to effectively digest food and allocate the nutrients to parts of the body that need it the most. Underrating may leave the body malnourished or dehydrated leading to things such as constipation or slow healing times.


    In Chinese medicine the root of many diseases is stagnation, and lack of movement and Qi flow, so make sure you get your blood moving. Walks after eating as well as regular exercise can help boost your metabolism and improve your digestive functions.


    At the end of the day, how do we decide what is considered to be healthy and what should be avoided? At Escapada, every food is nutritious, and as long as a healthy person doesn't eat too much of any one food, nothing is unhealthy. We simply want to avoid extremes so as to avoid overstraining the digestive organs. After all, it's all about balance. During your health consultation, we will explore how you need to eat to feel you best.

  • Modern day living has become a juggling act. When we have a lot of pressures, from work load to personal stresses, we mistake the feeling of being under stress for having energy. You run from early morning until late at night, turning yourself into an energiser bunny! In the microcosm of the world that is our body, it is not uncommon for us to exhaust our energetic and nutritional resources. Between holding down a job, maintaining relationships, and caring for a family, we can often negate the energy we earn from sleep, good food and good company. Our daily needs repeatedly outpace our daily intake of energy and the concept of a healthy lifestyle and self-care, or the meaning of, can go out the window.

    Western society has adopted quite extreme views on ‘healthy living’ providing conflicting information and contradictory suggestions for health behaviours. A healthy and fulfilling lifestyle can seem unachievable with the ‘perfect’ lifestyles, routines and bodies that are portrayed everywhere. There is so much information out there and we can become paralysed trying to figure out what is actually good for us.

    The more we, the Escapada team, move forward with our careers, the more we gain respect for the long standing and solid nature of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. They don’t chop and change information, they live by solid principles which, when adopted, give individuals a life-long individualised health and self-care system. 

    At Escapada, we aim to pull you out of the confusion and bring it back to basics in order to help you find that healthy middle-way. Slowing down, reflecting and looking after yourself are essential for your mental and physical health. Enter a space where you reconnect with how you feel both physically and mentally, and everything starts to shift.

    “Mindful self-care practices can create a lifestyle medicine to form a timeless self-healing toolbox for body and mind. 

    — Maeve & Emilia


    Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? 
    Why are some people hyperactive and fast moving, while others exude grace and stillness? Why are some people inherently joyous, while others carry the weight of the world on their shoulders? We all have different personalities and we all have different body constitutions. Therefore, what self care practices or lifestyle choices will work for one person, may be completely different for the next.
    Let’s explore this together.


    This is an essential approach on any journey towards a self-care/lifestyle plan. What motivates you? What makes you feel happy and healthy? And equally, what aspects of your lifestyle habits are weighing you down, making you feel low and unmotivated? Listen to your body, it will be your guiding force. It has a lot to say, once you listen.


    Somewhere along the way our relationship with food took a wrong turn and eating became something we define as being good or bad. The food is good or bad and we are being good or bad for eating it. Our relationship with food should be an inspiring and positive one, a healing relationship we cannot afford to lose. It is what gives us life and helps us grow. Let’s start a journey with the starting point of food as a source of nourishment and have some fun.


    Practicing self-awareness and reflecting are key to maintaining your health and preventing imbalance. Reflect on how your body feels on a daily basis. Health is not just an absence of disease but rather a feeling of strength, energy and resilience. Don’t simply accept fatigue, monthly migraines, low mood just because a blood test tells you you’re “healthy”. These are all symptoms of dis-ease and there is something causing it. Be your own detective


    Sleep is not important - it is essential. Sleep and health are strongly related - poor sleep can increase the risk of having poor health, and poor health can make it harder to sleep.  Sleep disturbances can be one of the first signs of distress and that the body is out of balance. An old Chinese quote says that “replenishing health with medicine is not as good as replenishing health with diet, but replenishing health with sleep is the best treatment of all”.


    As a society, we have started chronically living in our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight mode). We were only ever intended to live in this state, in the short term, effectively to run away from danger. When we are in this mode, our abilities to heal and repair are down regulated to deal with the presumed danger. Stress reduction and management is a critical part of our modern day lives. We will explore small achievable steps that you can build into your lifestyle to manage stress effectively.


    We have little control over many of the environmental and external aspects that we are exposed to on daily basis, for example, air pollution or air conditioning. But it is important to take a step back and make small changes where you can. Take time to reflect on things that are in your control. Seek time in nature as much as possible, drink only good quality water and clear out your home of unnecessary chemicals such as cleaning products, detergents and cosmetics and find suitable alternatives.


    Switching on our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) has never been so important in modern day living. Because this is where the body rests and heals and is an essential part of health and preventative medicine. During our extensive health consultation we can explore areas that might need to be changed to allow for self care practices.


    What we strive for, in our Escapada approach, is to help you find a noble middle-way. Pull away from a lifestyle of extremes and unmanageable self-care practices, a nice steady approach with small steps that can be built on. This will give you a timeless, individualised, empowered and self-healing toolbox.

our treatment methods


Acupuncture is an essential part of Chinese medicine. It improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites-commonly referred to as acupuncture points. These points have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatics and capillaries, all capable of triggering biochemical and physiological changes in the body. A complex system of interactions between the brain, hormones and glands is being kick started. Most patients experience a slight feeling of pressure or warmth. After the treatment there may be tiredness or a pleasant feeling of heaviness. Chronic complaints are usually treated 1-2 times a week. Depending on the symptoms, 6-12 treatments may be useful, and more treatments may be necessary for long-standing diseases.


Facial cosmetic acupuncture focuses on rejuvenating, re-energising and addressing signs of skin concerns by stimulating, repairing and renewing skin mechanisms from within the dermis. The treatment involves superficially inserting tiny needles on the face creating positive microtraumas accelerating a cascade of crucial healing triggers. It facilitates increased micro-circulation and oxygen supply to the skin which promotes detoxification and encourages production of newer and stronger collagen and elastin fibres. The result is improved firmness, elasticity, reduction of fine lines, and an overall healthier complexion and texture.  

ear acupuncture

Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is an independent method. Small, fine needles with or without adhesive plasters are placed on the corresponding areas of the ear. The different regions of the ear are assigned to specific organs of the body. Thus the whole body can be projected onto the outer ear. The treatment options are very varied. This form of therapy can be helpful in the treatment of addiction, allergies, for immune stimulation or for various states of pain or restlessness.


Mainly herbal medicinal products such as roots, stems, flowers, leaves and fruits are made medicinally usable here; some ingredients may also be of mineral or animal origin. All Chinese medicinal products are precisely classified and can be precisely assigned to a corresponding TCM diagnosis. The prescribed herbal remedies are subject to very strict guidelines and quality controls in pharmacies. Each product is tested for identity and purity in German laboratories. This ensures high quality. Based on the consultation, medical history as well as the pulse and tongue diagnosis, a patient-specific disharmony pattern is determined and a suitable prescription is formulated.


Chinese medicine views food as a therapy similar to medications. It serves to keep your dishes tasty and healthy as well as the treatment of various diseases. At the same time it is designed for long-term application. Therefore not only Asian foods are used, but what we are already familiar with in everyday life with possible supplements. This usually results in a new balance and arrangement of your personal diet. We place great emphasis on controlled food and transparent food concepts. Our standards are based on old traditional guidelines as well as new scientific results.


In acupressure, diseases and disorders along the pathways are treated without a needle by manual stimulation at acupuncture points. By applying moderate pressure on acupuncture points and areas, similar to acupuncture, blockages are released, blood circulation is stimulated, the metabolism stimulated and regulation of important organ functions is achieved. While acupressure may be used during a treatment, pressure points can also be self-massaged at home for better symptom management.


Moxibustion is a heat therapy that has been used successfully for thousands of years to treat various diseases. By burning dried mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) over selected acupuncture points, a local warming up to a slight feeling of heat is created. The increase of the metabolism supports the free flow of blood and Qi in the meridians. Similar to acupuncture, blockages of various causes can be dissolved.


Guasha is an ancient, simple and gentle treatment method that can have both a draining and strengthening function. The area of the body being treated is prepared with a medicated oil. Then a rounded scraper made of jade is used to carefully scrape one or more body regions ("Gua" means scraping). This stimulates the tissue and promotes increased blood circulation. Meridians are opened up, blockages are cleared and pathogenic factors can be eliminated. The desired effect is a reddening of the skin and with the formation of small red spots, similar to cupping. This skin appearance is called "Sha" which disappears after a few days all by itself.

cupping therapy

Cupping is a proven method of pain therapy. It stimulates blood circulation, improves lymph drainage and effectively relieves muscular pain. During the treatment, a negative pressure is created on the skin with the cupping glasses. The resulting suction effect activates the local blood circulation and metabolism. In acute and painful conditions, the negative pressure generated usually leads to the formation of a haematoma. The haematoma is of therapeutic benefit, comparable to the effects of autohaemotherapy, and fades after a few days.