Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment methods


Acupuncture is an essential part of Chinese medicine. It improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites-commonly referred to as acupuncture points. These points have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatics and capillaries, all capable of triggering biochemical and physiological changes in the body. A complex system of interactions between the brain, hormones and glands is being kick started. Most patients experience a slight feeling of pressure or warmth. After the treatment there may be tiredness or a pleasant feeling of heaviness. Chronic complaints are usually treated 1-2 times a week. Depending on the symptoms, 6-12 treatments may be useful, and more treatments may be necessary for long-standing diseases.

Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment methods


Facial cosmetic acupuncture focuses on rejuvenating, re-energising and addressing signs of skin concerns by stimulating, repairing and renewing skin mechanisms from within the dermis. The treatment involves superficially inserting tiny needles on the face creating positive microtraumas accelerating a cascade of crucial healing triggers. It facilitates increased micro-circulation and oxygen supply to the skin which promotes detoxification and encourages production of newer and stronger collagen and elastin fibres. The result is improved firmness, elasticity, reduction of fine lines, and an overall healthier complexion and texture.  

Escapada Treatment Methods - Ear Acupuncture


Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is an independent method. Small, fine needles with or without adhesive plasters are placed on the corresponding areas of the ear. The different regions of the ear are assigned to specific organs of the body. Thus the whole body can be projected onto the outer ear. The treatment options are very varied. This form of therapy can be helpful in the treatment of addiction, allergies, for immune stimulation or for various states of pain or restlessness.

Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment Methods


Mainly herbal medicinal products such as roots, stems, flowers, leaves and fruits are made medicinally usable here; some ingredients may also be of mineral or animal origin. All Chinese medicinal products are precisely classified and can be precisely assigned to a corresponding TCM diagnosis. The prescribed herbal remedies are subject to very strict guidelines and quality controls in pharmacies. Each product is tested for identity and purity in German laboratories. This ensures high quality. Based on the consultation, medical history as well as the pulse and tongue diagnosis, a patient-specific disharmony pattern is determined and a suitable prescription is formulated.

Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment Methods


Chinese medicine views food as a therapy similar to medications. It serves to keep your dishes tasty and healthy as well as the treatment of various diseases. At the same time it is designed for long-term application. Therefore not only Asian foods are used, but what we are already familiar with in everyday life with possible supplements. This usually results in a new balance and arrangement of your personal diet. We place great emphasis on controlled food and transparent food concepts. Our standards are based on old traditional guidelines as well as new scientific results.



In acupressure, diseases and disorders along the pathways are treated without a needle by manual stimulation at acupuncture points. By applying moderate pressure on acupuncture points and areas, similar to acupuncture, blockages are released, blood circulation is stimulated, the metabolism stimulated and regulation of important organ functions is achieved. While acupressure may be used during a treatment, pressure points can also be self-massaged at home for better symptom management.

Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment Methods


Moxibustion is a heat therapy that has been used successfully for thousands of years to treat various diseases. By burning dried mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) over selected acupuncture points, a local warming up to a slight feeling of heat is created. The increase of the metabolism supports the free flow of blood and Qi in the meridians. Similar to acupuncture, blockages of various causes can be dissolved.



Guasha is an ancient, simple and gentle treatment method that can have both a draining and strengthening function. The area of the body being treated is prepared with a medicated oil. Then a rounded scraper made of jade is used to carefully scrape one or more body regions ("Gua" means scraping). This stimulates the tissue and promotes increased blood circulation. Meridians are opened up, blockages are cleared and pathogenic factors can be eliminated. The desired effect is a reddening of the skin and with the formation of small red spots, similar to cupping. This skin appearance is called "Sha" which disappears after a few days all by itself.

Escapada Health - Chinese Medicine Treatment Methods


Cupping is a proven method of pain therapy. It stimulates blood circulation, improves lymph drainage and effectively relieves muscular pain. During the treatment, a negative pressure is created on the skin with the cupping glasses. The resulting suction effect activates the local blood circulation and metabolism. In acute and painful conditions, the negative pressure generated usually leads to the formation of a haematoma. The haematoma is of therapeutic benefit, comparable to the effects of autohaemotherapy, and fades after a few days.