Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli. People feel pain when a signal travels through nerve fibers to the brain for interpretation. The experience of pain is different for every person, and there are various ways to feel and describe pain.
In Chinese Medicine, pain is a blockage in the flow of energy (Qi) in the body. If you think of the Qi pathways as rivers, water flowing along them can be blocked by a dam (like a disc bulge pressing on a nerve), slowed because of debris (muscle tension), or perhaps there isn’t enough to flow properly because of drought (age or degeneration). Working with this equation of strength and circulation is one of the hallmarks of TCM. It allows us to address the immediate concerns of acute pain, while understanding the causes that can lead to chronic conditions.
Pain killers are one of the most commonly prescribed medications. Unfortunately, when medication is readily supplied for dis-ease within the body, it can lead to an over reliance on the ”quick fix” rather than treating the root of the problem. Particularly teemed with the busyness of modern life, it can be tempting to reach for the easy solution to take away the ache or pain. The problem with this way of treating is that we can forget how to look after our body and can neglect the preventative work for a reoccurring problem. So, the first line of defence comes in the form of a tablet.
Pain management is one of the most common areas of application of acupuncture, being recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as an effective pain management strategy. Our personalised 4-Pillar Health Solution, gives a holistic approach for pain reduction by not only treating your symptoms but also the root cause to give long lasting results.
“I have suffered with migraines for years, sometimes twice a month. Since attending the Escapada clinic for regular acupuncture & applying lifestyle advice, this debilitating condition has improved so much. I didn’t realise how much migraines had taken over my life until they were gone. I feel back in control.”
Natural medicine
Acute & chronic pain
Neck & shoulder tension
Lower back pain
Headaches including tension headaches & migraines
Fibromyalgia & muscle pain
Sports Injuries (Tennis elbow, rehab)
Arthritis & joint pain
Gynaecology (Pelvic pain, menstrual pains)
Nerve pain (pinched nerve, peripheral neuropathy, sciatica)
TMJ pain & tension/ dental pain / sinusitis relief
Chinese Medicine focuses on the processes of the human body as an energy system. Health and well-being rely on the smooth and dynamic flow of energy or Qi through the body. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to self-heal by correcting imbalances such as deficiencies, stagnations and excesses. There are 14 organ related energy channels in the body which are called meridians. During an acupuncture treatment, various points along these meridians, are identified and prescribed in your treatment plan to treat your specific needs.
Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites-commonly referred to as acupuncture points. These points have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatics and capillaries, all capable of triggering biochemical and physiological changes in the body. When a needle is inserted into an acupuncture point, it stimulates the sensory receptor and sets off a chain reaction, kick starting a complex system of interactions between the brain, hormones and glands. One of the processes that acupuncturists commonly work with is the release of neurotransmitters and endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing hormones (thought to be some 200 times more potent than morphine!) This system is a powerhouse for easing pain with lasting results.
At our Escapada TCM Health Clinics, we seek to treat both the symptoms and root of your ailment using the Escapada 4-Pillar Health Solution.
HEALTH Consultation & health Plan
TCM Diagnosis
Prescription of Acupuncture including initial Treatment
Nutritional & Lifestyle Advice
Subscription to Escapada E-Magazine
(45-60 MIN)
Ongoing Guidance
TREATMENT PACKaGE (Incl. initial visit)
Six session package ~ €625
Twelve session package ~ €1250
* Packages can be paid in installments