Modern day living has become a juggling act. When we have a lot of pressures, from work load to personal stresses, we mistake the feeling of being under stress for having energy. You run from early morning until late at night, turning yourself into an energiser bunny!
When we are constantly on the go, our bodies go into a chronic state of stress. We may not necessarily feel stressed but our bodies recognise it as a state of stress because there is no down time. When our bodies are like this, we release stress hormones so after some time our bodies start to feel minor events as critical events and a vicious cycle commences. This hormonal state makes the body hyper-vigilant and stokes up our nervous system until it is hypersensitive.
As a society, we have started chronically living in our sympathetic nervous system also known as “fight or flight mode”. We were only ever designed to live in this state short term, effectively to run away from danger. When we are in this mode, our healing and repair are down regulated to deal with the presumed danger.
Stress reduction and management is a critical part of our modern day lives. At Escapada, we aim to pull you out of the confusion and bring it back to basics in order to help you find that healthy middle way. Slowing down, reflecting and looking after yourself is essential for your mental and physical health. Enter a space where you reconnect to how you feel both physically and mentally, and everything starts to shift.
“After a busy year with many personal and job stresses, I felt like I was a hamster in a wheel - eating badly, no exercise and not sleeping. Thank god I walked into the Escapada Clinic before I burnt out!”
Anger, frustration & mood swings
Tiredness or Lethargy
Muscle tension and pain
Insomnia and erratic sleep patterns
Low libido
Chinese Medicine focuses on the processes of the human body as an energy system. Health and well-being rely on the smooth and dynamic flow of energy or Qi through the body. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to self-heal by correcting imbalances such as deficiencies, stagnations and excesses. There are 14 organ related energy channels in the body which are called meridians. During an acupuncture treatment, various points along these meridians, are identified and prescribed in your treatment plan to treat your specific needs.
Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites-commonly referred to as acupuncture points. These points have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatics and capillaries, all capable of triggering biochemical and physiological changes in the body. When a needle is inserted into an acupuncture point, it stimulates the sensory receptor and sets off a chain reaction, kick starting a complex system of interactions between the brain, hormones and glands. This system is a powerhouse responsible for regulating a number of bodily processes.
At our Escapada TCM Health Clinics, we seek to treat both the symptoms and root of your ailment using the Escapada 4-Pillar Health Solution.
HEALTH Consultation & health Plan
TCM Diagnosis
Prescription of Acupuncture including initial Treatment
Nutritional & Lifestyle Advice
Subscription to Escapada E-Magazine
(45-60 MIN)
Ongoing Guidance
TREATMENT PACKaGE (Incl. initial visit)
Six session package ~ €625
Twelve session package ~ €1250
* Packages can be paid in installments