Pantry Remedies for the Festive Season Indulgence — Escapada Health

Pantry Remedies for the Festive Season Indulgence

"Food as medicine and kitchen remedies are a huge part of Chinese culture. They are an effective way to health simple, and sometimes complex, issues using ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. In the spirit of the holiday season, many of us will party hard - some too hard - then suffer the consequences the next day! Here are a couple of our favourite rescue remedies to prevent or treat your hangover after a night of merry-making"

In TCM overconsumption of alcohol causes an excess of heat in the body and damage to certain organs, resulting in symptoms such as headaches or nausea. To prevent or relieve a hangover, TCM remedies generally act to reduce and clear the excess heat in the body. Here are our favourite TCM recipes to beat that hangover, some of them are pretty simple and will include items from your pantry (which we love!) - others are a little more peculiar but everything can be found in a health store or ordered online!


  • Pear Juice: To help you avoid your hangover, try drinking a glass or two of concentrated pear juice before indulging in alcohol. This centuries-old remedy is said to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate the liver, making it a great way to detox your body.

  • Sweet Black Tea: After the festivities and before you turn in for the night, drink an extra strong cup of black tea with one heaped spoonful of brown sugar. The acidity of black tea and the sweet, warming properties of brown sugar stimulate Liver and Stomach function to help release alcohol from your system. If caffeine keeps you awake, drink fresh ginger tea with lemon and brown sugar instead. This will have a similar detox effect.

  • Ginger & Honey Tea: To help reduce general dehydration the morning after cut 10 slices of ginger and mix them with 3 cups of water in a pan. Bring the water to a soft boil and strain an orange, half a lemon, and add half a cup of honey to the mix to make the ultimate hot tonic for your upset stomach and keep you hydrated. Pour into a cup (Strained) and enjoy!

  • Chinese Herbal Formula: The herbal formula "Bao He Wan“ is amazing if you have an upset stomach. These herbal miracle workers aren’t just for hangover induced nausea; you can take them anytime your stomach feels upset! Ask your acupuncturist for a prescription or find a Chinese pharmacy near you who will be able to help.

  • Green Tea for Hangover Headaches: We all know that feeling the morning after a boozy night out. This headache tends to be throbbing in nature and located around your temples. In TCM, alcohol is heating in nature and therefore the liver - the organ that is responsible for detoxifying the body - needs some cooling down. Although it sounds simple, Green tea is great for that kind of headache! Have yourself a cup of VERY strong green tea (2-3 bags per cup) to detox and relieve that tension in your temples!

  • Top Tip - Need to sober up fast? Try a radish in sugar and vinegar. Mix a piece of white radish finely sliced in dark rice vinegar and sugar (alternatively apple vinegar). It might taste horrid, but this drink can help neutralise the alcohol in the body and allow one to sober up faster.


People say that "touch" is a great relief when you are hungover - which is why we love self massage in TCM as one of our favourite "morning after" hangover cures especially if you're feeling green. Just make sure your hands are nice and warm before you start!

  • Zusanli (ST-36) for Nausea: If you're feeling a little green the morning after, acupressure point "Zusanli" also called stomach-36 is your best friend. Located four fingers (3inches) below the kneecap on the outside of your leg between the two bones of your lower leg (approve 1inch toward the outer edge). You can also find it by putting your hand on the outer side of your leg over your knee with your fingers facing down. The pressure on this point triggers a "sharp" pain. To make it work, apply pressure and massage the point in circular movements with the tip of the thumb. Massage for 2-3 minutes and repeat on the other leg.

  • Large Intestine 4 (Li-4) for Hangover Headaches: Suffering from a temple thumping hangover headache? There is a pressure point on your hand, in the fleshy area between your finger and thumb, known as LI 4 which can help!. In TCM it’s the gate to the large intestine, and applying pressure to it can help with headaches, as well as with constipation, which sometimes accompanies a hangover. To locate it rest your left hand on a table, making an L-shape with your pointer finger and thumb. With your opposite thumb, apply pressure and massage between the web of your thumb and pointer finger, in small circular motions. The trigger point is up where you feel your index finger bone. Applying pressure for 10-20 seconds at a time, on each hand.

    **Never stimulate in pregnancy

  • Bladder 2 - Headache point

Grab your gua sha tool for some headache relieving bliss - see photo. Even better pop in the fridge for some extra cooling relief

  • Gallbladder 43 to Stop Those Negative Thoughts: Sometimes after a night of drinking you wake up with self-doubt, negative self-take and even paranoia - it's perfectly normal but to stop these feelings of "wrong-doing" and help ease that mind chatter you can use acupressure. Our Gallbladder 43 point found on both feet, is located between the fourth and fifth toes a few fingers up from the fifth toe at the tendon when you flex your pinky toe. When you've found the spot, apply pressure for 30 seconds on each side in circular movements. Be firm but don't press so hard that it hurts!