Lifestyle and Self Care — Escapada Health

Modern day living has become a juggling act. When we have a lot of pressures, from work load to personal stresses, we mistake the feeling of being under stress for having energy. You run from early morning until late at night, turning yourself into an energiser bunny! In the microcosm of the world that is our body, it is not uncommon for us to exhaust our energetic and nutritional resources. Between holding down a job, maintaining relationships, and caring for a family, we can often negate the energy we earn from sleep, good food and good company. Our daily needs repeatedly outpace our daily intake of energy and the concept of a healthy lifestyle and self-care, or the meaning of, can go out the window.

Escapada Health - Rest & Self-Care

Western society has adopted quite extreme views on ‘healthy living’ providing conflicting information and contradictory suggestions for health behaviours. A healthy and fulfilling lifestyle can seem unachievable with the ‘perfect’ lifestyles, routines and bodies that are portrayed everywhere. There is so much information out there and we can become paralysed trying to figure out what is actually good for us.

The more we, the Escapada team, move forward with our careers, the more we gain respect for the long standing and solid nature of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. They don’t chop and change information, they live by solid principles which, when adopted, give individuals a life-long individualised health and self-care system. 

At Escapada, we aim to pull you out of the confusion and bring it back to basics in order to help you find that healthy middle-way. Slowing down, reflecting and looking after yourself are essential for your mental and physical health. Enter a space where you reconnect with how you feel both physically and mentally, and everything starts to shift.

Mindful self-care practices can create a lifestyle medicine to form a timeless self-healing toolbox for body and mind. 
— Maeve & Emilia


Escapada Health Retreat - Self Care

One size does not fit all

Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? 
Why are some people hyperactive and fast moving, while others exude grace and stillness? Why are some people inherently joyous, while others carry the weight of the world on their shoulders? We all have different personalities and we all have different body constitutions. Therefore, what self care practices or lifestyle choices will work for one person, may be completely different for the next.
Let’s explore this together.


Listen to your body

This is an essential approach on any journey towards a self-care/lifestyle plan. What motivates you? What makes you feel happy and healthy? And equally, what aspects of your lifestyle habits are weighing you down, making you feel low and unmotivated? Listen to your body, it will be your guiding force. It has a lot to say, once you listen.


Nourish your body through foods

Somewhere along the way our relationship with food took a wrong turn and eating became something we define as being good or bad. The food is good or bad and we are being good or bad for eating it. Our relationship with food should be an inspiring and positive one, a healing relationship we cannot afford to lose. It is what gives us life and helps us grow. Let’s start a journey with the starting point of food as a source of nourishment and have some fun.


Self awareness & reflect

Practicing self-awareness and reflecting are key to maintaining your health and preventing imbalance. Reflect on how your body feels on a daily basis. Health is not just an absence of disease but rather a feeling of strength, energy and resilience. Don’t simply accept fatigue, monthly migraines, low mood just because a blood test tells you you’re “healthy”. These are all symptoms of dis-ease and there is something causing it. Be your own detective


Sleep Well

Sleep is not important - it is essential. Sleep and health are strongly related - poor sleep can increase the risk of having poor health, and poor health can make it harder to sleep.  Sleep disturbances can be one of the first signs of distress and that the body is out of balance. An old Chinese quote says that “replenishing health with medicine is not as good as replenishing health with diet, but replenishing health with sleep is the best treatment of all”.


Stress reduction

As a society, we have started chronically living in our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight mode). We were only ever intended to live in this state, in the short term, effectively to run away from danger. When we are in this mode, our abilities to heal and repair are down regulated to deal with the presumed danger. Stress reduction and management is a critical part of our modern day lives. We will explore small achievable steps that you can build into your lifestyle to manage stress effectively.


environmental Aspects

We have little control over many of the environmental and external aspects that we are exposed to on daily basis, for example, air pollution or air conditioning. But it is important to take a step back and make small changes where you can. Take time to reflect on things that are in your control. Seek time in nature as much as possible, drink only good quality water and clear out your home of unnecessary chemicals such as cleaning products, detergents and cosmetics and find suitable alternatives.


Take Time off

Switching on our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) has never been so important in modern day living. Because this is where the body rests and heals and is an essential part of health and preventative medicine. During our extensive health consultation we can explore areas that might need to be changed to allow for self care practices.


Finding the golden middle

What we strive for, in our Escapada approach, is to help you find a noble middle-way. Pull away from a lifestyle of extremes and unmanageable self-care practices, a nice steady approach with small steps that can be built on. This will give you a timeless, individualised, empowered and self-healing toolbox.






